Mastertrust Due Dilegence

A DC Mastertrust with over 2 million members

Our client was considering the acquisition of one of the UK’s major Mastertrust providers.  Cosan was appointed to perform a rapid assessment and due diligence of the administration service of the provider’s TPA partner.

A vast array of documentation was provided which we distilled into the key areas around the DC operation.  These were then used to question the provider to gain the deepest possible insight in the relatively short time frame available.  One particular issue in the operation was poor contribution data accepted from employers, which had already been brought to the attention of TPR. 

We were able to use the available data and responses to our questions to ‘ringfence’ the contribution issues (which were being addressed via an existing project) and focus on other aspects of the administration. This allowed our client to have a clear understanding of the true service without being distracted by the contribution issue. Through the process we also identified a series of improvements to service that could be made once the contribution issues were resolved.

This demonstrates our ability to assimilate and assess large volumes of complex information, as well as analysing process and operational model data to advise on best practice, within a short timeframe.

Marekha Warren