Measuring TPA Performance

Service stabilisation/optimisation

Our client had two Defined Benefit arrangements covering in total c3,000 members.  Following a restructure at their third party administrator, the location of their administration team was changed at short notice.  Soon after service delivery began to deteriorate.  A backlog started to build up, and associated with this member complaints rose, errors were found and the clients’ pensions team had to spend significantly more time on the administration than they had ever done before.

Cosan were appointed to conduct an operational service improvement exercise, using  their internally developed ‘toolkit’ for such exercises.  Working with the pensions team initially to capture their requirements, and then with the administration team, they evaluated service performance across a range of different areas.

Key recommendations from the review were a ‘re-implementation’ of the scheme to ensure correct knowledge capture, a series of immediate process improvements and a longer term roadmap for service development, along with a targeted benefit audit based upon Root Cause Analysis of the issues encountered.

This demonstrates our ability to measure provider performance across a broad spectrum of areas and identify areas for improvement, and then help that provider mobilise resources to achieve immediate and sustainable improvements.

Marekha Warren